Self-Regulation and Mindfulness: Over 82 Exercises & Worksheets for Sensory Processing Disorder, ADHD, & Autism Spectrum Disorder.





Table of Contents


Written by Varleisha Gibbs, an occupational therapist with years of experience with autism in operating a private practice clinic working with children challenged by sensory processing disorders.

Inspired by personal experience, she knew there had to be a better way to treating children who have trouble with staying focused, regulating, managing senses, and other challenges.

This book consists of two sections:

It begins with Part 1, an introduction to the nervous system and brain. With a foundation in the science behind the exercises, it makes it easier to understand why the lessons following are important to implement. Part 2 is the continuation of neuro foundations and is designed for children to learn through hands on activities. It includes self-assessments, games, journals, log charts, and coloring pages. These tools are easy to use and provide necessary strategies to improve function at home and school.

Things You’ll Learn By Reading “Self-Regulations and Mindfullness”

  • Why our kids have meltdowns using a neurological perspective.
  • How to identify environmental triggers and avoid meltdowns before they happen.
  • Exercises provide ways to help slow the brain down for time to accurately process the environment in order to react with an appropriate response.
  • The book will concisely explain the brain functions relevant to ADHD, sensory issues, autism, and how they can be related and the science backing up the upcoming activities/ exercises.

Why We Recommend It

Our Verdict

Actionable methods to build necessary skills to self-regulate for everyone involved. The book contains hands on activities and step by step exercises to address social skill building. Written by a private practice Occupational Therapist with extensive experience working with children and families challenged by sensory disorders and autism. A wonderful glimpse into an often misunderstood world, tailored to professionals and care-takers treating kids who have trouble managing their senses, self-regulating, and staying focused.

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